Starting a Nostr relay?

I wanted to do something for the Nostr community and since I don't code, I thought setting up a relay would be a good idea. So, I went down the rabbit hole of choices and soon realized it may be a bit of a challenge with the gazillion choices of relay projects out there.

I put a question up on Stacker News and someone linked me to Nostr1. This seemed like a simple enough solution to get something started. To be honest it was pretty easy to get up and going.

I had the choice to make it public or paid. I've started with paid but I'm quickly changing my mind on that. I have it set to 11 sats per post thinking that is reasonable and I may get close to earning enough to pay for it every month, but to be honest this even has me a little confused on how it even works?

Now I am thinking to put it as a free relay and then maybe once a month ask for donations to keep it running. It really doesn't need much, and even if I get 1/3 of the cost that is fine. Keeping it free will truly make it a community thing. Maybe even if donations do better I can open up multiple relays.. who knows.

I am wondering what others, thoughts on this are?

